Sunday Services

Sunday Services

Gather With Us on the Lord’s Day!

Morning Prayer @ 9:45am

Beginning each week as a body in prayer is an important way for us to glorify God, to delight in our Savior Jesus, and to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We want to be made more Christlike. We want the Lord to build His Kingdom right here in Lake City, the surrounding communities, and the globe (Matthew 28:18-20). So we will ask the Lord (Matthew 7:7-11).

Morning Worship @ 10:31am

Why does our service start at 10:31am? You are not around CBC long before you will hear 1 Corinthians 10:31 being referenced.  First Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  Does gather at 10:31am mean we are glorifying God better than the church that starts at 10:30am or 11:00am (like we used to)?  We aren’t saying that at all.  But if starting at 10:31am brings to mind a few more times the chief end of man, “To glorify God and enjoy Him forever” then you count us in!

Our focus is to joyfully follow the mission Jesus gave us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matt. 28:19a). We are a gospel-centered, Bible-teaching, Jesus-loving community of all ages that desires to grow in God’s grace and go out on God’s mission.  We have a few activities for younger children but encourage parents to help their children engage in the service as much as possible.  From singing, to praying, to listening to God’s word, including the preaching, help your child understand how all of these are ways we worship God by being engaged yourself.

Lunch (First & Third) Sunday’s @ ~ 12:00pm

Stick around after service as we enjoy a meal together twice a month as a church family. On the first Sunday we will enjoy a potluck, and on the third Sunday we will have pizza & salad. This time together allows us to grow in our relationships with one another, and gives us an opportunity for you, our visitors, to get to know us too.

Afternoon Service (First & Third) @ 12:30-1:15pm

Why do we offer an afternoon service? We have a body of believers who want to spend time together.  To provide more opportunities for connecting we have lunch that follows Morning Worship twice a month. On those weeks we encourage you to not only stick around for the meal, but open up God’s word with us some more. We offer services for the whole family at the same time.

Click here to see what it looks like for each age.